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IIT Gandhinagar was the first institute of higher learning in India to offer courses in cognitive science. An exploration of the mind and intelligence from a variety of scientific perspectives is referred to as cognitive science. In addition to a master's degree and doctoral degree, the institution also offers a minor in this area of study. The institution will provide admission examinations as a means for prospective students to demonstrate their readiness for the programmes.

Students who have been accepted into the MSc cognitive science programme at IIT Gandhinagar are permitted to work for a maximum of 10 hours per week during the academic year, but may work for up to 40 hours per week during the summer break. IIT Gandhinagar additionally encourages students to present their research at national and international conferences by providing travel grants with a maximum value of 60,000 Indian Rupees (INR).

IIT Gandhinagar is a second-generation IIT that was founded by the Ministry of Human Resource Development of the Government of India. Over fifty different classes are available to students at this school, including subjects such as engineering, mathematics, cognitive science, the humanities, and social sciences. These classes are taught in 7 different centres and 13 different departments around the university. All first-year undergraduate students at IIT Gandhinagar participate in a foundation programme that lasts for five weeks. The World Education Summit has bestowed onto the foundation programme its World Education Award for the year 2013. The foundation curriculum at IIT Gandhinagar emphasises morality and ethics, as well as creativity, group dynamics, social consciousness, and physical fitness.

The Bachelor of Technology programme is the most prestigious of the institute's fifty different classes. Candidates must have a JEE Advanced rank between 1230 and 9076 to be considered for admission to the programme. The overall cost of a Bachelor of Technology degree that lasts four years is INR 8.71 Lacs. The Master of Technology degree is yet another important offering from the institution. The GATE test serves as the primary criterion for entry into the programme. The minimum GATE score required to apply to the MTech programme at IIT Gandhinagar is 369-655. The overall cost of the Master of Technology programme, which lasts for two years, is INR 4 Lakhs.


Type of University : Private University


Rankings and Awards

IIT Gandhinagar Rankings

IIT Gandhinagar Ranking 2022
Body/Magazine Category Ranking Year
International Rankings
The World University Rankings University 601-800 2022 National rankings
NIRF Engineering 23 2022
NIRF Research 34 2022
NIRF Overall 37 2022


IIT Gandhinagar Courses

IIT Gandhinagar BTech

The Bachelor of Technology programme at IIT Gandhinagar is currently placed 23rd in the NIRF rankings for 2022. There will be a total of 228 students accepted into the programme. BTech programmes at IIT Gandhinagar may be adapted to meet the specific requirements of individual students. IIT Gandhinagar provides its students with the opportunity to graduate with honours or minors in certain fields of study, as well as the opportunity to major in an additional area of study. Students at the institution have the opportunity to switch their concentration during the second year of their studies.

IIT Gandhinagar MTech

The institution provides a Bachelor of Technology degree that may be completed entirely on-campus, and it has space for 370 students. The Bachelor of Technology (BTech) programme at IIT Ropar received a rating of 22 in the NIRF Engineering Rankings 2022. A total of eight semesters are distributed during the program's length of four years.

IIT Ropar is the first IIT to provide its BTech students with the opportunity to participate in an internship programme that lasts for a full year. IIT-JEE Advanced results are often looked at when deciding which students will be accepted into the programme. In addition, according to the requirements for the dual-degree programme, students pursuing a BTech in mechanical engineering have the option of pursuing an MTech once they have completed their 7th semester.


IIT Gandhinagar Placements

ParticularsPlacement Statistics (2022-23)
Top 25% Average Package INR 23.25 LPA
Top 50% Average Package INR 19.55 LPA
Top 75% Average Package INR 17.57 LPA
Placement Percentage 92%
Highest Package INR 62 LPA
Average Package INR 15.35 LPA
Total Recruiters 253
Total Students 134
Total Students Placed 124
Top Recruiters Google, Amazon, HCL, IBM, TCS
More Information Here Official Website

IIT Gandhinagar Scholarships

Students at IIT Gandhinagar have access to a wide array of financial assistance options, including scholarships. These programmes may be made available by the government, benefactors or alumni, or the university that is being attended. The following are some of the most well-known scholarship programmes that are available to IITGN students:

  • Free Basic Messing Assistance: Students from low-income families who are enrolled in the B.Tech. or M.Sc. programmes and whose families earn less than INR 4,50,000 per year are eligible for the institute's free basic meal and pocket money programs.
  • •Scholarship for Academic Excellence: IITGN students who have the highest CPI in their respective fields are awarded a cash prize of 2,000 Indian Rupees (INR) per month for ten months. However, if the recipient has already been given a scholarship of an equal or greater value, they are only eligible to receive a one-time receipt for the amount of 5000 Indian Rupees (INR).
  • •Scholarship for Excellence in Sports and Games: Each year, a total of six scholarships are given out as an incentive for outstanding performance in various sports and games. UG students who are in the second, third, or fourth year of their degree are eligible to apply for the scholarship and will get 2,000 INR each month for ten months. However, if the winner of the award is also the beneficiary of any other scholarship with a value of equal or greater, then the recipient will only be entitled to receive a one-time grant of 5,000 Indian Rupees (INR).
  • Scholarship for EWS Students: Full fee waivers are granted to Economically Weaker Section (EWS) students whose families have yearly incomes of less than one lakh Indian Rupees. EWS students whose families have an annual income of between 1 and 5 lakhs Indian Rupees are eligible for a fee remission that is equal to two-thirds of the total cost of tuition.

IIT Gandhinagar Faculty

The Indian Institute of Gandhinagar has a faculty of 172 members, 164 of whom hold doctoral degrees from prestigious institutions of higher education such as IIT Delhi, Tokyo University, Michigan University, IIT Kanpur, and several others institutions. The faculty at the Indian Institute of Gandhinagar is both diverse and highly qualified. Other members of the faculty chair come from Harvard University, Cardiff University, and the University of Delaware. They have the titles of Guest Professors, Assistant Professors, and Visiting Researchers.

IIT Gandhinagar Notable Alumni

NameJob position
Vinod Reddy PhD. Scholar and Assistant Professor at IIT Bhilai
M. Midhun Co-founder of ReverTech IT Solutions and Data Analyst at DataHut
Purushottam Kumar PhD. Research Scholar and Project Manager at EY
Murali Krishna Enduro Postdoctoral Researcher at IIT Madras Research Park


  1. 1. How is the research scenario at IIT Gandhinagar?The research facilities of IIT Gandhinagar are among the best in the country and are kept completely up to date. The Institute for Integrative Toxicology and Genomics (IITG) has a diverse group of researc
    • The research facilities of IIT Gandhinagar are among the best in the country and are kept completely up to date. The Institute for Integrative Toxicology and Genomics (IITG) has a diverse group of researchers working there, including postdoctoral fellows,
  2. 2. What is the syllabus for the IIT Gandhinagar entrance examinations?
    • Scores on the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main and Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced are taken into consideration for admitting students to IITG. The topics of mathematics, physics, and chemistry from the 10+2 level are required reading for t
  3. 3. When is the application form released for IIT Gandhinagar?
    • In December, the registration forms for the entrance tests are made available to prospective students, and the process lasts through February. The month of April is reserved for the administration of the examinations.
  4. 4. What is the non-degree course at IIT Gandhinagar for?
    • The undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at IIT Gandhinagar welcome applications from students without a degree in their field of study. Students who are currently enrolled in a degree programme at a recognised institute or university in India or els
  5. 5. What are the basic amenities in hostels?
    • The dormitories at IIT Gandhinagar are fully equipped with a variety of amenities, including air conditioning in every room, WiFi and LAN connections 24 hours a day, single-seater rooms, double-seater rooms, sick rooms, electricity 24 hours a day, microwa
  6. What is the full process to add/drop a course?
    • A student has the option to withdraw from any course they are currently enrolled in throughout their semester if they are having problems with the material being covered or if the time of the course conflicts with other classes they are taking. In place o

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